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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Doctors nowadays are allowed to prescribe cocaine and morphine as medicine, however not marijuana. Studies have shown that cocaine and morphine are more harmful then marijuana. The usage of herbal medicine can benefit many patients that have critical diseases. Many patients and their doctors find marijuana a useful medicine as part of the treatment for AIDS, Cancer, Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic pain. With that in mind, marijuana should be legalized as medicine. The …

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…law sending to children? Children instead should be taught the difference between medicine and drug abuse. There is no legal medication that children should use for fun. In fact, doctors can prescribe cocaine, morphine. Children are not taught that these drugs are good to use recreationally just because they are used as medicines. Then what is the real reason behind the prohibition of marijuana, if has been proven to help so many patients? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**