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Essay Database > History
Vladimir Lenin, a political leader of the Russian revolution was born on the 20th of April 1870, in the Russian town of Simbirisk. His real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. He was the third child in a family of six. His father was a school inspector and they lived comfortably, They had a pleasant, roomy house. As a boy Vladimir was sly and naughty. He broke things and teased the younger kids. However,he got extremely …

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…allowed again. Foreign trade was also allowed. Near his death Lenin began to ask whether it was good to allow the government to have too much power. He was afraid that some people would try to get personal power by controlling the government. However, he died before he could make any changes. Lenin may have had some ideas when he started, however, I do not think they could work for a long period of time.