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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Kites Project A block Kites There are many different kinds of kites that are flown today. There are delta kites, cellular kites, box kites, dragon kites, parafoils, diamond kites, power kites, stunt kites, and kite buggies. Each is different in other ways. They have different shapes, sizes, composite, and wind ranges for flying. Kites are also flown on different skill levels; beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Intermediate stunt kites are used to tricks in the sky. …

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…are flown here today. There are parafoils, stunt kites, delta kites, cellular kites, dower kites, dragon kites, diamond kites, kite buggies, and box kites. They all are different because they are made from different material and have different frames. They also need different wind speeds to take off, they are different shapes and sizes and their weight differs greatly. Kites are also classified at different skill levels; beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Bibliography