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Essay Database > Literature > English
I. In Chicago, an 11-year old gang member shoots a 14-year old girl to death. In turn, the young gang member is found dead a few days later with two bullets in the back of his head. His suspected killers are 14 and 16 years old. In Littleton, Colorado, two students opened fire on classmates and teachers with semiautomatic weapons and homemade bombs, killing 12 students and a teacher, before turning their weapons on themselves and taking their …

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…has accumulated 3 offenses, he must appear before a judge who then reviews the individual offenses and dispositions to determine what punishment the offender must face. V. Unaddressed wrongdoing inevitably leads to more serious crimes A. Families must instill virtue and self-restraint in children B. Government must be prepared to immediately send a message to those children, and their parents, that law-breaking will not be tolerated, and that children will be held accountable for their actions