jane eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
In Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane eyre, the main character Jane was put into tough positions throughout the story. But through the tough times, Jane ended up with good results throughout the story.Charlotte Bronte used settings, plots, and themes to show how Jane got through the bad times and got her life together afterwards.Since Jane was an orphan, she moved plenty of times from place to place. She started staying with her Aunt Reed. …

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…right position to her journey in life. Jane proved that since her miserable days during childhood, she was still driving herself to make improvements and they obviously paid off with the ending of the story. At last, the end of the novel, The suspense, mystery, and characterization are all told. The person that this all revolved around was Jane. It was Charlotte Bronte s clever way of keeping the novel interesting and the reader interested.