jane eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Although Charlotte Bronte uses Jane Eyre to represent a modern woman, she fails to do so for Jane is forced to accept her role as a woman in the Victorian patriarchal society, which defines her character and determines the outcome of her life. Jane lives in a world and in a time where society thought women were too fragile to ponder. Women at the time have barely any rights at all and are not allowed …

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…so destroys Thornfield Hall. Even in death, Bertha refuses to be controlled by her husband. (Waller) Jane Eyre may seem like a fairy tale with a happy ending but by looking closely, one will find that it truly reveals the oppressed and non-oppressed thoughts of Charlotte Bronte through the use of words, sentences and characters. All these add to the strong and fascinating character of Jane and certainly proved the phrase "no conformity, no survival."