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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Many Americans, that lived in the nineteenth century held various different stereotypes of Native Americans. Some may think of Native Americans living in the forest among animals, shooting off bows and arrows, and having pow wows. They where considered to be uncivilized monsters, that had only one goal, to kill the white man. While they did hold pow wows and different ceremonies, and the Native Americans did kill many Europeans this is not the whole …

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…Last of the Mohicans,? also gives us a detailed image of what life was like for the Indians. Although it may be a bit exaggerated for the entertainment of the reader, it gives very insightful perception. Cooper, the author of this book, must have done his research when writing it, because it goes along very well with the facts and characteristics of Indians. Unfortunately the ignorance of many men destroyed something so great. Word Count: 1243