illegitimacy and Welfare

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Instead of trying to get women off of welfare, government should try lowering the illegitimacy rate. To decrease poverty you must decrease illegitimacy first. For decades, the United States government has been trying to solve the problem of poverty. The first true attempt came in 1964, when President Lyndon B. Johnson declared the federal governments "War on Poverty". Johnsons welfare plan called for huge amounts of taxpayers money to be devoted to helping the poor. His …

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…five years on welfare. The plan alson ends the Afdc (Aid for Families with Dependent Children) program and in it place, a tougher child supports enforcement agency. Illegitimacy is one of the main reasons why we need welfare. It is hard enough for single women to support themselves, but with a child, it is even harder. Most single women must then turn to the government to seek assistance and support for themselves and their children.