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Essay Database > History
In the earliest years of life, long before questions about the choice of a partner for sexual activity can arise, small boys and girls manifest differences in attitudes, interests and behaviour, and develop a strong feeling of belonging to either the male or female sex. By the time they reach the age of romantic or erotic attachments, their own self-image, and everything they have learned to associate with masculinity and femininity , dictates that they should …

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…on a pink triangle and march down Main Street to celebrate who they are. They march for acceptance and freedom and call on their family and friends to join them. WORKS CITED 1) West, D.J.. Homosexuality re-examined. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1977 2) Gonsiorek, John & Weinrich, James. Homosexuality. U.S.A: Sage Publications, 1991 3) Nungesser, Lon G. Homosexual Acts, Actors, and Identities. New York: Praegar Publishers, 1983. 4) Spencer, Colin. Homosexuality in History. U.S.A: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1995.