homicide in the work place

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Death in the work place is an alarming thought that many Americans have on their minds everyday. It is a growing problem in our country and we are seeing more and more of it occurring nation wide. All of these murders which keep happening is a major wake up call that something has to be done. Americans can not just sit back and wait until a disgruntled employee comes to work with an AK-47 and …

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…comes to my attention from observing stories of current stature that the statement above is not accurate. To me the majority of the workplace homicides are being committed by the angry worker, the crazed husband or boy friend, at last on the list would be a robbery-related crime. WORKS CITED http://www.cdu.gov/niosh/violhomi.html http://iws.ccccd.edu/WriteStuff/crimj1307.html Works Cited: http://iws.ccccd.edu/WriteStuff/crimj1307.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**