heart of darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Heart of Darkness Essay In Josef Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness, a tone of darkness/prejudice dominates the story. There are two scenes in which this attitude is presented; when Marlow goes to Belgium to apply at the company, and when he arrives at the main station. The theme of Darkness and Light also is represented in the last chapter. These two scenes represent society's view of prejudice, and also Conrad's unusual beliefs as well. …

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…Marlow questions why the string is tied around his neck, which also express Conrad's ideals, asking why we have to hold others back, hitting on a very unrecognized note of white culture, which is the fear of being replaced by a better race. If Marlow does represent Conrad's thought, this book would surely be a great example of revolution in its time. The theme in Heart of Darkness that is most vivid to the read