hate crimes

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hate and prejudice have been present in our society for a long time. For whatever reason people do not like a person or a group because they are different. The reason could be their skin color, sex preference, religion, or culture. Hate is built up inside and can lead to violence and sometimes death. Hate seems so ridiculous, but there are answers to why it occurs. Why do people hate? Hate could be spread through …

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…those who commit hate crimes. Hate groups opinions should not be given so much attention, they should just be ignored. (HRC Pg.1-2) A nationalistic view towards all ethnic variations should be portrayed from the government.(SPLC Pg. 1) Will hate continue to rise? Right now it appears that hate is going to rise until something devastating happens or everyone learns that the ongoing competition of this us verse them mentality will get us no where.