harry potter and the sorcerers stone

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" This book that was similar to the other Harry Potter books, was very interesting. This book is about how Harry and his good friends Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger help to find what they believe to be a very dangerous criminal that escaped from the horrors of the terrible place in Azkaban. This is the harsh prison for witches and wizards that commit terrifying crimes. This prison is …

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…Hogsmeade by him, this was in a letter, also Black ! is the one who sent the FireBolt. I would read the Harry Potter set of books to get the full detail, but also because they are very good books. Probably the best books that I have ever read in my whole life. I may not have read a lot of books, but this set is by far the greatest books in my opinion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**