harry potter 2

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a story about a magical boy and his friends and their adventures in the magical world. They perform heroic feats and save many lives as they attend school and try to maintain a normal 12-year-old wizard life. The story takes place at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Magic. It is a boarding school, especially built for children with magical powers. It is a big castle located deep …

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…the Chamber being open and frees Dobby the house elf on him. The students then depart from each other for another summer in the muggle world. Harry Potter was a very well written story. It contained all elements necessary for an exciting and well-written novel. It breeches a gap between age groups, as it can be enjoyed by anyone. In the future, I look forward to reading more into the Harry Potter series ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**