handmaids tale

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Commander takes her back to his house before midnight. Offred is relieved because the Ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow, and Serena plans to meet her at midnight. She wants Offred to be serviced by Nick. In the dark of night, Serena leads her to the entrance to Nick's apartment. Offred tells the story twice. The first story is full of passion and desire. The second, more accurate one is full of sadness for the …

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…over her, but he whispers that she should go with them. Offred knows that the Eyes probably know all about Mayday, but this is her last chance. She walks down the stairs to meet the men waiting for her. Serena demands to know Offred's crime. The Commander demands to see a warrant. The men state that they cannot reveal her crime because it is a security risk. Offred follows them to the van waiting outside