grapes of wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Grapes of Wrath," by John Steinbeck is a book about the Great Depression, and one poor sharecropper family's struggle to survive the worst deprivations that American society had to offer. Set in the 1930's, in America's "Dust Bowl," it is the tale of the Joad family, a large clan of poor Oklahoma sharecroppers, and how they are forced into a decision to migrate to California. It's also the story of the many trials and …

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…live in. He wrote this story to perhaps show the cold hard facts of life and that these were desperate times. Steinbeck did not close the novel on a happy note, because for the most part, families in this time did not ever make it to their dream. He wrote this story to give a reader a better understanding of this time and in my opinion, Steinbeck was very successful in doing so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**