grapes of wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Themes Portrayed in The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is a classic novel with great social importance. It is a work of realism, representing the world as it was, no sugar-coating. John Steinbeck portrayed a time of serious crisis in our country. He uses the Joad family to illustrate many important social problems that were seriously disturbing the chemistry of the nation. The novel is used as a desperate call for help and …

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…lie beneath the story. Rationing of the land instead of giving it all to the upper class and big corporations would save many people from hunger, persecution, and death. Another important theme within the epic tale is that of human strength and will to survive. The Joads are so determined and set on survival, nothing can stop them. They flat out refuse to fail and will battle it out till their deaths. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** na