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Essay Database > Literature > English
Globalization is a process in which economic, political, and socio-cultural relations are established across a long geographic distance. Globalization gains its strength from the possibilities opened up by technologies, strategies and policies. The reality takes effect when the fears, ideas, actions and reactions occur due to globalization. In a fully globalized society, borders no longer protect people, goods, and symbols. The world becomes this worldwide network where the borders fade away. A factor within globalization …

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…is considered to be a twin of the market-economy. Economic developments and turbulences caused globalization. Both production and consumption, the rise of the world market, worldwide capital flows, and the growing economic interdependence between countries developed globalization. States in the U.S. are becoming less powerful and less capable of completing tasks necessary to achieve international capital. These tasks include safeguarding peace, fighting criminality, securing social order, and securing property rights and ownership. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**