global warming

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Global Warming Global warming is caused primarily by human activity such as burning fossil fuels, chemicals and other pollutants that are later released into the earth's atmosphere. These gases effect the chemical composition of the atmosphere causing increased warming (EPA, 1999). This warming trend disturbs the balance of a natural system that has taken billions of years to develop. This delicate balance exists in a complex interaction between the atmosphere and the oceans, land surfaces, and …

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…our earth, not only for today, but also for tomorrow. More importantly, manufactures and factories should be held accountable for the chemicals they emit. They should not be allowed to make a profit while destroying our world. Even if there are opposing point of views, we should still take the necessary precautions to avoid the potential hazards of global warming. As the old say goes, "it is better to be safe than sorry". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**