global warming

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Scott Rogers Global Warming Global warming is a very serious problem plaguing our world. Global warming is defined as a warming of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere that tends to intensify with an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Basically, global warming is exactly what it sounds like; the warming of the Earth's temperature. There are many explanations and theories about why global warming is occurring in our world. The atmosphere lets in heat that …

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…our climate can help. Standing up for the protection of our environment will help our Earth in many ways. 1) (IPCC publication, The Regional Impacts of Climate Change - An Assessment of Vulnerability (1998), (Microsoft Encarta Reference Suite 2000, 1993-1999 Microsoft corporation) ("Effects of global warming on the environment",, 1999) 2) ("Global Warming"Microsoft Encarta Reference Suite 2000, 1993-1999 Microsoft corporation) (IPCC publication, The Regional Impacts of Climate Change - An Assessment of Vulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**