global warming

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Introduction: Global warming is a term that describes the "green house" effect-that is rise in temperature of the earth. The earth's climate is predicted to change because activities are altering the chemical composition of through the building up of green house gases-primarilyCO2, CH3, N2O and chlorofluorocarbon. These green house gases trap energy from the sun and heat would not escape back in to space. Thus, they warm our world. But problem is arising because …

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…and oil to natural gas in power plants and factories. Natural gas releases the least amount of carbon dioxide. 5. Reduce burning of forests and fields. Reduce, recycle and compost waste. 6. Make sure the coolant in home refrigerators is recovered before junking them. 7. Revise farming practices to reduce use of nitrogen-based fertilizers. Bibliography: