"george orwell and shooting an elephant" talks about the imperalism that george has in this short story.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
To Be or Not TO Be George Orwell hated all Burmans and the British Empire. He imperializes them into his stories and makes the British and Burmans look like fools. He describes killing the elephant and it betrays him killing the British Empire by saying "He seemed to tower upward like a huge rock toppling, his trunk reaching skyward like a tree"(Orwell/741). He describes the elephant falling down for the last time with his …

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…the Burmans to murder an innocent creature that was eating peacefully in a field. The elephant was not harming anyone at the time but, Orwell decided to kill the elephant out of his own spite, so he wouldn't be laughed at and looked down upon. He uses the elephant in a way that makes people realize how much they care for themselves then others. Orwell is the killer in this story from start to finish.