genetic engineering

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Erik Anderson Genetic Engineering Mr. Nichols The idea of studying genetic engineering and revealing those results intrigues me thoroughly. Studying these coded proteins or genes brings about revolutionary advancements in the fields of medicine and bioengineering. The possibilities that genetic engineering make are endless. For example, genetic engineering can improve nutritious quality and enhance the flavor in foods. We can also look forward to new techniques in disease prevention and treatments, improve the quality of …

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…day. Presently most of the human genome is mapped, and some single-gene disorders are curable. Soon multi-gene disorders will be curable such as alcoholism or maybe even an HIV resistance gene can be identified. The future, as science progresses, will be full of possibilities. Humans will live a longer, healthier life due to genetic engineering. It is gratifying to now that in the future disease will be prevented, and people will be saved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**