foods paper

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Future of Foods Breads that keep you calm? Fruits that give you a hormone boost? Years ago, these concepts would be completely off the wall, but in the future, they're not going to seem so far-fetched. Supermarkets will have to constantly update new products, changing shopping needs and evolving attitudes toward food, to maintain a competitive edge. From catering to children and senior citizens to offering "foodaceuticals" (foods combined with drugs to enhance body …

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…interest consumers. Of course this can be accomplished by providing samples of the product. The bottom line is that Supermarkets must continue to evolve with the changing needs of the consumer. And as stores become more information-oriented, signage will play a major role in communicating to the customer. Stores that recognize this and can make innovative changes will not only keep their customers coming in for more, they'll flourish into the next century. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**