food preservation

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Since the beginning of time, people have looked for ways to preserve food for future use. There are no records around telling when the first preservation method was discovered or used. Perhaps people noticed that a fire dried food and that the smoke preserved it. Or maybe hungry hunters ate dried berries on a bush and realized that they liked the taste. By chance, people could have left food in the snow and once retrieved, …

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…cellars generally were and are 30 to 40 degrees F. Cooler than daytimes temperatures. Most root cellars are 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide. Many have doors swinging open from the top but more modern ones are only covered on 3 sides by the earth. Having a door that opens from the front the walls are covered in shelves holding the different types of food. Although this method of home freezing is efficient there is an even better one.