eating disorders

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Picture yourself looking in a mirror every day of your life and thinking every part of your body is fat. Thinking that no matter what you do to yourself you will never be happy with your weight. These are situations that many people with eating disorders go through every day of their lives. Individuals who are affected by eating disorders can be thin as a rail but still think of themselves as over weight. Serious …

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…progress was attained week to week. Mary came into the pediatric unit whenever she wanted, playing with the children or rocking the babies. After three months of hospitalization, Mary went home at 90 pounds. She continued her psychotherapy for several years, attended college and became a pediatrician. Years later, Mary returned to visit the medical staff and told the nurses what they had done for her. They had given her a reason for living ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**