drug abuse

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The repetitive deaths of drug users has became, nowadays, an everyday phenomenon, that most us has got used it. The numbers of the victims more and more increase rapidly in such a degree that makes us shudder. Prospectively, there was an alarming increase in drug abuse at our college. Many students take cocaine, heroine, LSD, hash, crack, and other drugs; all these illegal substances provoke undeniably addiction. The reasons that led to that accrual are …

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…teachers and students with an ulterior target to talk about problems that are annoying them organizing exhibitions that will inform substantially about dangers of drug abuse, visiting centers of detoxification to see with their own eyes the truth about drugs. Hence, young people constitute the warranty for a better future. Consequently, every investment of love and care we to them it will attribute in the future. None of our tries will go to the trash.