domestic violence

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Domestic Violence in America Introduction: Today in American society we have many social ills. Perhaps one of the most upsetting, at least to me personally, is domestic violence. Domestic violence can come in many shapes and forms and affects many different people. Reasons vary for spousal/child abuse, but none are justified. Police/community programs have recently had a more pro-active role in domestic violence, but that is not a solution to our problem at …

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…egalitarian system, we need to dispel the notion that females should be fundamentally different from males in their socialization. Males, to this day, are still brought up with the implication of a patriarchal system and increasingly are exposed to violence. With this formula, we can expect to see much more violence in the future. Looking down on the micro level, the answer is simple: leave the relationship. Your life is more precious than a relationship.