date rape

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
"Hey, get some drinks in her and she's all yours." Sounds gross, but some guys actually use that idea as a guideline for getting lucky. Even in this age of equality and respect between the sexes, you still must be on your guard against the occasional Neanderthal out there. That goes double if you've both been drinking. Between your lowered inhibitions and slowed reactions and his enhanced confidence and refusal to take no for an …

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…may experience; at the very least, we suggest you call the rape crisis hotline in your school or community. The most important thing to remember is not to blame yourself. The rape was not your fault. Your behavior didn't cause it; the rapist caused the rape. Don't give the rapist the satisfaction of ruining your life. It's not ruined. Pick up the pieces, get well, and carry on. You owe it to yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**