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Essay Database > Literature > English
Dancing Dance is rythmic movement of the body. It is usually performed to music, that serves as a form of communication or expression. People express themselves naturally through this movement. Dancing is the transformation of ordinary, expressive movement turned into extraordinary movement for good purposes. A common movement, such as walking, is performed in dance in a patterned way, in circles or to a certain rythm, and occurs in a special context. Dance reveals much …

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…change, and Cramp roll. The sources of tap dancing include the Irish solo Step Dance, The English Clog Dance, and african dance movements. Jazz dancing emphasizes your body line and flexible torso. It is fast, accurate footwork with the feet basically parallel (unlike ballet, the feet are turned out); and exaggerated movements of individual body parts, such as the shoulders. In general, it concentrates on floor steps rather than high lifts or leaps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**