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Essay Database > History
D-Day is the most well-known, gruesome day in the history of WWII. Out of the five landings, the landing on Omaha Beach was, by far, the worst for the U.S. and The Allies. Paratroopers who had landed the night before came up behind the Germans and aided the U.S. and The Allies. Eventually they pushed through and invaded Hitler's Europe. Even though D- Day was considered a massacre, the invasion aided the US's …

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…in the minds of the men who fought on that day. It is a day that should always be remembered. Think about what might have happened if the soldiers hadn't pushed though and didn't make it inland. What would the world be like today? Would Hitler have lived his dream of conquering the world and making the "perfect race?" All in all, D-Day was the most important day in the history of World War II.