concept cars

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Essay Database > Literature > English
CONCEPT CARS People go to car shows to see the manufacturers' "futuristic" concept cars and are always fascinated and amazed by the impressive engineering. Little do they realize, those concept cars of tomorrow are actually prototypes of what is to come. The car show's only intent is to showoff the engineer's technical ideas, to get the population's reaction,and to test the functionality of their new creation. How will tomorrow's mobile units look and perform? …

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…and sleek aerodynamics will change the way cars will look and handle. Alternative fuels will change how cars run and how far they can travel. They will also have a devastating effect on some fuel stations but will also open new doors for new fuel businesses to grow. Automobiles will no longer be just for transportation, but also for entertainment. With the upcoming changes in the automobile today's dream car will soon be tomorrow's reality.