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Essay Database > Literature > English
Computer Crime By: John Sforza Sforza-1 John Sforza Miss. Hilleman English 10R December 7, 1999 Computer Crime Computer crime is defined as "a criminal act that has been committed With a computer as the principle tool"(Judson, 30). These computer criminals are people with advanced knowledge of operating systems, phone systems, and other computer related devices. Some computer criminals break into other people’s computers, and steal data, these criminals are known as hackers. Yet others might make …

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…these Software Pirates have learned how to bypass the registration key. Another attempt was made by Microsoft to make it harder to copy the cds, but that also failed. Although authorities try to combat the doings of these criminals, Computer Crime is still a huge market for criminals of all kinds. Although authorities try to combat the doings of these criminals, Computer Crime is still a huge market for criminals of all kinds. Word Count: 809