child abuse

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In this modern age of irresponsibility, many children suffer hours, days, weeks, and even months of pain caused by abuse from parents or other authority figures. Children that suffer abuse are scarred both physically and mentally, and suffer severe long and short-term effects of their abuse. Because of this, something must be done to prevent abuse from happening, or to prosecute those that do abuse their children. This paper will discuss physical, mental, and sexual …

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…Doubleday, New York, 1987: 54-162. Forward, Susanne MD. Toxic Parents. Bantam Books, New York, 1989: 25-108. Gil, Eliana, Ph.D. Outgrowing the Pain. Bantam Doubleday, Broadway, NY, 1983: 23-72. Horwitz, George. IRC Interview. 15 April 1999, 7:00 PM. Kesegich, Ken. In Defense of Children. The Guilford Press, New York, 1990: 33-35. Kimball, Lisa. IRC Interview. 25 April 1999, 5:00 PM. Lesar, Jenny. Statistics. Woodbridge, Connecticut: Blackbirch Press Inc, 1996: 52-80. Steinbach, Alice. "Neglect: the most prevalent form of child maltreatment". Honolulu Star- Bulletic & Advertiser. 30 July, 1989: A-29.