car safety

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Auto-related deaths and injuries place a stain on society. In addition to causing grief and suffering, vehicle crashes add billions to the cost of health care and vehicle insurance. Buying a safer car can help consumers confidently identify the safest vehicles. Each year about 40,000 Americans lose their lives in motor vehicle collisions. This means that one in 8.5 drivers are involved in an automobile collision and one out of nine hospital beds are occupied by a …

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…new, popular, redesigned or have improved safety equipment are selected for testing and bought from dealers. Although a great deal has been done to make the automobile safe, the most important feature involves making good personal decisions. You should always shop carefully for safety features in your next car. Know the handling and safety characteristics of the vehicle you are buying. Do not drink and drive. Buckle up, and most importantly, obey all traffic laws.