capital punishment

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Capital Punishment Capital punishment is a very controversial topic because of all the different perspectives it could be viewed by. Over 4,000 prisoners in the United States have been executed between 1930 and 1989. It does not seem like the best way to detter violent crimes and the courts should decide on alternative methods of punishment for serious types of offences. Politically it may seem like the right thing to do for various reasons including overcrowding of the …

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…to be abused by faulty humans, it should not be considered a valid form of punishment. We should not look at it from a religious point of view or by what was done in the past but only by observing our present day, Modern, Civilized society and determine a more effective means of dealing with these crimes other than death because in our modern world we are no longer barbarian cavemen, we are considered civilized.