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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Spinal Cord Repair Once a pipe dream, researchers now are uncovering ways to repair spinal cord injuries. Current methods reduce the nerve cell damage or death that occurs in the hours following injury and increase the efficiency of surviving nerve cells. New evidence suggests that future treatments also may assist the regeneration of lost connections. Prospects include transplanting new nerve cells and supporting cells, delivering proteins that stimulate regeneration by the cells already in the …

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…Scientists also are examining the benefits of transplanting PNS supporting cells dislodged from their neighboring cells. These cells, called Schwann cells, naturally secrete their own growth factors and have membrane proteins that aid neuron growth. Recently, scientists successfully transplanted purified human Schwann cells into the severed spinal cords of rats and reported that some of the animals had a small improvement in function. More analysis is needed, however, to determine if effective connections were established