blade runner

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The film is multi-layered; thrilling and unsettling, part dark science fiction and detective film noir, realistic and dream-like, intelligent, mature, artistic and powerful. Purely on the surface, it has a visual richness, which is wonderfully atmospheric drawing one into a dystopic vision of the future, which is a sprawling, technological metropolis, but an empty, soulless place. It is a film which not only incorporates the strong themes of disillusionment and control presented, but also adds …

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…chord with its searching, struggling characters. Crucial aspects of the human condition are here on display in surely what is a fine creation. This essay does not include the vast religious parallels that can be read into the characters and their actions e.g. the replicants as fallen angels returning to Earth to confront their maker, Roy as a symbol of mankind, Deckard as God's agent of death and Sebastian as an intermediary Jesus Christ.