binge drinking

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
-Binge drinking is defined as "the consumption of five or more drinks in a row on at least one occasion." In national surveys about a third of high school seniors and 42 percent of college students reported at least one occasion of binge drinking within the previous 2 weeks. While national surveys have documented a significant decline in the use of other drugs by high school seniors and college-age youths, there have been only modest declines in …

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…in response to binge drinking by young people include actions to reduce alcohol availability, such as increases in price, and responsible beverage service practices, especially at parties. Some communities require keg tagging, which requires kegs to be labeled with a serial number identifying the purchaser in case the keg is discovered at an underage drinking party. Other strategies include restrictions on marketing and promotion practices that glamorize heavy drinking, especially those directed at young people.