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Essay Database > Literature > English
As they walked off the plane, thousands of people stood there to welcome them. They were screaming their names and singing their songs. Everyone had heard of them, they were the true meaning of rock and roll; they defined it. They were the biggest sensation since Elvis; they called themselves The Beatles. They had never expected to be the next sensation. No one ever expects to become a great legend in national or world history. …

showed first 75 words of 1979 total
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showed last 75 words of 1979 total
…future. People should not sit and ponder about why the Beatles broke up, but should think about the great memories they have provided for the entire world. How they helped make music what it is today for all music fans and for the children ! who will once listen to the great sounds which come out of the same stereos which once played the great music that Lennon, Harrison, McCartney, and Star magically fabricated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**