american indians

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
American Indians Indians in eastern North America possessed no alcohol at the beginning of the colonial period. By 1800, so much alcohol flowed through the Indian villages east of the Mississippi that each community were forced to decide to take it or not and they made a tragic choice by taking it because it destroyed their cultural. The Indians who drank did so to the point of intoxication enjoyed the experience they got from it. If …

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…of other racial groups, the rates increase with age far more dramatically than those of other groups. The social, cultural, or religious stigma attached to suicide, the belief that insurance might be waived, and the difficultly in determining whether some accidents are actually accidents or suicides, and the desire to avoid publicity have resulted in both the intentional and the unintentional under-reporting of suicides. Estimates of the under-reporting have been as high as eighty percent.