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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Alcoholism is a major health problem in the US, ranking with cancer and heart disease as a threat to health. Alcoholism is a progressive disease in which drinking increasingly affects a person's health, family life, social life and job. Untreated, alcoholism results in physical incapacity, insanity or death. Use of alcohol and other drugs is associated with the leading causes of death and injury among teenagers and young adults. The use of drugs and alcohol …

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…do almost anything to fuel their habit. Students consider part-time jobs as a great way to finance drugs and alcohol. The reasoning behind this idea is that it is their money, and they are entitled to spend it however theywish. Some teens resort to stealing money from their own family. Generally, a recovering alcoholic may never safely drink again, but can lead a normal, productive life as long as he or she maintains total abstinence