airline accidents

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Aircraft Investigation Each mishap has their own characteristics and there is no substitute for good old-fashioned common sense and initiative. Each wrecked aircraft has it’s own story to tell if properly investigated. However Air Force guidelines are quick to point out that investigators in their eagerness seek out the causes, often ignore safe investigation practices and common safety precautions. Air Force Investigators are maybe in even more difficult position due to the hazards that …

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…hours lost time (military lost work hour cases are not included). HAP Events. Significant aircraft, missile, space, explosives, miscellaneous air operations, or ground occurrences with a high potential for causing injury, occupational illness, or damage if they recur. These events do not have reportable mishap costs. If the event meets report-able mishap criteria do not designate it as HAP. Do not use the HAP designation in conjunction with classes of mishap. Word Count: 3394 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**