air pollution

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Air Pollution In 1948, the industrial town of Donora, Pennsylvania suffered 28 deaths because of the thick smog. Air pollution is an ecological problem having to do with toxins in the air. There are a few things the human race has done to try to prevent air pollution from taking such a serious toll. Two of these are the Clean Air Acts and the increased use of solar power over coal power. By creating electric cars, the …

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…happen, the water would rise 200 feet, flooding most of the earth. The Earth's ecosystem is a little bit like a web. It is very fragile and depends on all of its strands to maintain stableness. If the air is polluted it disrupts this web creating a total imbalance. This "total imbalance" would also occur if the water was polluted. In effect, when one part falls they all do. Believe me, "total imbalance" is not cool.