aOutline the reasons why psychologists might choose to use nonhuman animals in their research b Outline how animals have been used in two different areas of research c Assess the problems of using animals in psychological research

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
(a)Outline the reasons why psychologists might choose to use non-human animals in their research. (b) Outline how animals have been used in two different areas of research. (c) Assess the problems of using animals in psychological research. Psychologists choose to use non-human animals in their research because they are fascinating to study in their own right, their development of ethology (the biological study of behaviour) has been based on such goals although some of …

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…a general concern for the welfare of animals in all areas in which they are used. The reaction to the scientific world to these concerns has been divided. There has been a long tradition of using animals in psychology. Knowledge derived from this research has been instrumental in the development of many psychological theories and practices. The objection to the use of animals in psychological research is either on practical grounds or on ethical grounds.