a trip to the MET

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
As a student of art history, going to a museum is the only way to fully experience a work of art. By only looking at a painting or sculpture in a book or on a slide, you cannot fully experience the work of art. By going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I was able to look at paintings that dated from centuries old, to recent times. Bruges, The Life and Miracles of Saint Godelieve, 15…

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…Yellow helped break the idea that art had to be a painting of something. To fully experience a work of art, you must go see it in person. Studying them in class should not be the only time you see them. To be in a room that is filled with paintings by Raphael and Rembrandt is quite an experience that everyone at least once in their life should have a chance to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**