a critique of two concerts

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music is one of the most unique performing arts due to the way it has evolved. Styles and melodies considered unfit in one era are displayed prominently in another. The two concerts previewed in this report have two different and distinct techniques. The first performance that I attended was a symphonic concert playing a mix of contemporary and early 20th century works at Carnegie Hall. The second performance was an organ recital highlighted by the …

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…musical styles of the 20th century and the Baroque period can differ greatly in terms of melody and rhythm, they also have many similarities (e.g. polyphony). Also, while orchestral music and chamber have great differences, neither is superior to the other. Rather by hearing both forms of music, the listener can broaden his perspective of music and become more understanding of this art form. References: Kamien, Roger, Music: An Appreciation. New York: McGraw Hill, 1998