Your Wife is Not Your Slave

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
YOUR WIFE IS NOT YOUR SLAVE By: Lee A. Zito Late at night I wake up terrified of the darkness the absolute silence It makes me wish I could have stayed asleep Safe and sound in my utter subconscious The sun comes out and Im still alive gotta live this life as someone else's wife Married to my jailors, Married to my hell Im locked and kept away in this desolate cell I was a …

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…nothing here to reap The house, the kids, his suit and tie This is how it is until the day I die Am I the guilty one? No one knows "I do" were the words that sealed my fate Mistakes theyre all around yelling in my ear, yelling in my ear I'm a captive Held in bondage enslaved to follow their demands I'm a captive Held and confined enslaved at the mercy of their hands