Wuthering Heights

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Wuthering Heights The Romantic period was a time of experimentation and stretching of the novel. The novel often proved plain, familiar, and uninviting because of the strict adherence to common life. Novelists were inspired more so by poets and playwrights than other novelists (Romantic Period, The). This allowed for more freedom and expansion into emotional intensity. Writers dared to explore emotions, the imagination, and dreams. Their willingness to experiment created the expansion from realism into …

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…will finally be united in heaven, and ultimately, the power of good prevails the power of evil. It is through the entwinement of both the old romantic style and the newer realistic style that allows Wuthering Heights to have such an impact on the reader as well as the message of the work. The elements of romance and realism form a balance that is well maintained to keep the mystery, interest, and credibility all alive.