Women's Role in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Essay Database > Literature
Huckleberry Finn has many prominent female characters. They all serve different roles, some are caretakers and, others are dependents. The individual women are very independent and sometimes more dominant than men, while the women in groups rely on men. The individual women, such as the Aunts, Miss Watson, and Widow Douglas, were all self-sufficient, hard working women. They were all educated, and have high morels. None of them could easily be scammed; although Aunt Sally …

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…them but never did anything to help the situation. The three sisters represent women in units that were depicted as foolish and innocent. Women in Huckleberry Finn are both naïve, in groups, and intelligent, as individuals. The women have opposite roles in the adventure. Some are used to make Huck an appalling character and others are to display his respectable qualities. More of the women are self-reliant than contingent on others.